Saturday, December 14, 2013

An unexpected kick in the "butt"!!!

Well... I started this blog last year with one intention in mind, to share with others our journey with Autism. The ups and downs of raising a child with Aspergers, and all that our little professor teaches us every day. We were off to a good start but I must admit I let "life" get in our way... I think it was a combination of the professor becoming a teenager and my confusion as to how much, or how little, I should share about that with all of you. Then there was the internal struggle I faced as to where we should focus our support for raising funds for Autism research and awareness.

Ahh... Who to support? Who not to support? I could write a ten page blog post about all the articles I've read not only in regards to Autism Speaks, but other organizations as well. We have always supported many Autism charities, including Autism Speaks! And every year we do the Greater Waterbury Walk Now For Autism Speaks... Whether you agree with that or not is up to you. However, I do ask that you respect our decision. A lot more could be done within the Autism community if more organizations decided to work together instead of tearing each other down. There are times that I believe we are our own worst enemy. And it deeply saddens me... And I'm very disappointed in myself for ALMOST letting the "haters" get to me this past month. I was even considering pulling out of the 2014 walk! Then a very smart boy said something to me that put it all into perspective... "Nobody is perfect and not everyone can agree on everything! Nobody has been teaching the world about Autism like Autism Speaks. I want to keep on walking for the people with Autism who need more help than I do. Everyone is different and some need more help than others!" ~ "My" Professor
I'm just going to leave it at that and NEVER question myself again!

Now, as for the how much or how little to share of "life with an Aspie teen"... I've been STUCK on this one for months!!! It all began when my, not so little, professor got upset one day and deleted the FB page he and I shared together about our journey with Autism. He has since regretted that and did admit he likes sharing stories that may help others through, in his words, "a difficult time or two." And this blog is the perfect place for that...

So what was keeping me from writing??? I guess just a really hard kick in the "butt"!!! Then I ran into another Autism mom who asked about the blog and why I haven't written lately? We had a lovely conversation that ended with my promise to write at least one post a month, hopefully two! I slowly got started... Then the REAL KICK I NEEDED!!! I received the most unexpected e-mail from my Aunt and here is just a bit of what she wrote;
"I came upon your blog. It is wonderful, beautifully written, inspirational ,honest and heartwarming. I can't tell you how impressed I am with these tender stories that recognize the courage, love and joy of this wonderful middle school boy named Josh. I hope you keep writing them. It helps us to understand the life that Josh faces and how he embraces it with such courage and dignity. I have passed this on to some other family members. And Ann keep writing. I hope one day that you publish them. The one theme that runs consistently through your blogs is Love...Josh's love for his family and his family's love for Josh."

And with that being said, I'm finished with this post and off to begin another...

Best wishes for the happiest and healthiest of holidays for all of you!


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